The RCS4000 control system.
is powerful and versatile specially designed for controlling CP propellers and side thrusters of any make. All normal functions for CPP control are supported including: Combinator and separate lever modes, M/E load control, clutches, PTH systems, shaft brakes, JS and DP systems, VDR. The system uses standard CanOpen field bus communication. To improve accuracy, all calculations are made in floating points representation..
The electronic unit is specially designed for use in CPP control systems. It can readily be used for both new buildings and retrofits of any propeller make. The unit can be used in stand alone mode or connected in networks with up to 5 units. The units are normally delivered in electronic cubicles to suit the actual installation.
The system normally includes back up facilities. These can be made with standard push button ahead / astern maneuver, or with semi redundant functionality where pitch is controlled from the levers in back-up mode. Settings are made from the intuitive touch screen GUI, and can alternatively be made from the text displays on all control units.